Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Keeping Maverick traditions alive

Would-be CC/E Class of 2020 paints M27 once more

If you've ever driven on M27 in the spring, you have undoubtedly noticed the multi-colored signatures of Maverick seniors gracing intersections outside of Everly and Royal.

The tradition has been alive and well for several years with senior class after senior class taking their turn painting the hill and blacktop. This year for the first time since Clay Central and Everly merged, there was no graduating senior class. The dissolution of CC/E's 7-12 grade program led those students to seek education elsewhere while the elementary program remains open.

That didn't stop the would-be CC/E Class of 2020 from banding together to keep tradition alive. Using the social media platform SnapChat, the seniors decided the task would be a fun way to gather again while having a little fun in the name of the school they love so dearly.

A total of nine seniors participated in the nightly event. They painted the two M27 intersections, the old track bridge east of Everly and the Everly school parking lot. Afterwards, the seniors spent hours chatting and reminiscing in the former CC/E High School parking lot.

The seniors had planned to don their different colored graduation caps and gowns while marching down the CC/E elementary halls this year; however, COVID-19 put an unfortunate halt to the idea.

The tight-knit class is still planning on another reunion this summer for a traditional graduation picture, complete with caps and gowns in front of the Maverick bell outside of the Royal school building. Community members have remarked that it was nice to still see names being painted on the pavement in honor of the school district and the amazing children that come out of it.

Once a Maverick, always a Maverick. The Red and Gold paints on.