Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties
Special restrictions implemented in effort to reduce spread of COVID-19
High school summer sports seasons will be held this year, but due to the coronavirus pandemic there will be many changes affecting how they are conducted. Reopening guidance issued by the Iowa Department of Education to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 will impact schools, coaches, athletes and fans.
Everyone will see signage at each facility indicating that no one should attend or participate in practices or games if they currently have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days. Public health officials will be contacted if a positive case of COVID-19 is reported.
• Protocols for practices
Coaches and players are required to check their temperatures before attending practices.
Parents should remain in their vehicles when dropping off players at practice or picking them up afterward.
Dugouts may not be used during practices. Player items will be lined up against the fence at least six feet apart. As much as possible, players should only use their own equipment and water/beverage containers, and provide their own hand sanitizer. Shared drinking fountains, portable hydration stations or coolers are prohibited.
Coaches will be responsible for sanitizing shared equipment before and after each practice. They must know players' pre-existing health conditions and work with school nurses and other health officials to take additional precautions. They also must track absences for the purpose of noting potential COVID-19 cases.
Coaches are to ensure that social distancing is maintained between players as much as possible while they are playing catch and doing drills, and that they do not congregate while waiting to bat. Coaches are also responsible to see that spitting of sunflower seed shells does not occur.
• Fan seating to be limited
Most of the guidance for games is the same for practices. One difference is that dugouts may be used during games.
There are some restrictions on fans who attend games. Fans should not attend if they have any symptoms of illness. Schools will be limiting the use of bleachers, so fans are encouraged to sit in their own chairs or stand. Fans should also practice social distancing between different household units and accept personal responsibility for public health guidelines.
No concession stands are permitted at games.
Schools are also required to implement reasonable guidelines to ensure social distancing of staff, students and community members, and that increased hygiene practices and other public health measures are taken to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.