Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Sanborn school inching closer to demo day

Most excavation work complete at middle school

Demolition of portions of the current Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Middle School is just about ready to begin.

Mark Pfister, of Boyd Jones Construction, said during Monday's school board meeting that over-excavation at the Sanborn building is finished and backfilling of material to grade should conclude this week. That will set the stage for demolition to begin on portions of the building. Construction of new classrooms should start next month.

Flooring installation at the elementary building is scheduled to begin this week, and lockers have been delivered. Pouring of concrete parking and playground areas is also set to begin.

According to Pfister, reroofing of the high school is expected to be completed in early July with the cap flashing to be added afterward. Roof units and classroom ventilators remain to be installed.

"It's all starting to come together," Pfister said.

Construction change orders for the elementary project were approved after review by the building committee. Items authorized include sub-drainage, excavation, concrete, fencing and a basketball area for the playground and exterior door frame modifications.