Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

07/23/20: Community Calendar

Children’s reading program at Royal library

Children of all ages are welcome to participate in Royal Public Library’s reading program which will be held from July 14-Aug. 15.

Books may be checked out when the library is open or children can read books they have at home. Make a list of books read, put your name and address on the list and put it in the drop box at the library by Aug. 15. Prizes will be awarded.

Food pantry at Hope Lutheran is open

The food pantry at Hope Lutheran Church in Everly is open. Hours are Mondays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., and Wednesdays, 1-5 p.m. Please knock on the church door and food will be brought out to you.

Blood drives scheduled in Everly, Spencer

LifeServe Blood Center is asking community members to book an appointment to give blood at an upcoming area blood drive.

To help ensure the safety of blood donors and team members during the COVID-19 pandemic, LifeServe is enforcing several precautionary measures. Appointments are required. Donors who do not have an appointment will not be able to give blood. Donors should pre-screen themselves for fever prior to appointments. Only those with temperatures under 99.5 will be allowed to donate. Donors are required to wear a mask for the duration of their appointment. Those who do not have masks will be provided with one.

Blood drives will be held at the following locations.

• Monday, July 27, from 12:30-4:15 p.m. at Hap Ketelsen Community Center, 203 North Main Street, Everly.

• Monday, Aug. 3, from 12:30-6 p.m. at Southpark Mall, 901 11th Street SW, Spencer.

Schedule a blood donation appointment online at or call (800) 287-4903.

CCCVB grant app deadline is Aug. 1

The Clay County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCCVB) Committee recently announced the opening of their special project grant application, due Aug. 1, 2020.

Unlike their tourism grant that focuses on events, the special project grant is available for projects such as brick and mortar construction work, equipment purchases or recreation facility improvements designed to attract visitors within and outside of Clay County. This new grant opportunity will fund projects up to $10,000, and eligible applicants include any business, organization and governmental entity or individual.

To access the Special Project grant guidelines and application, visit and click the “Grants” tab. Starting in 2021, the CCCVB will modify their grant application schedule. Therefore, the spring 2021 special project grant will be due on April 1, 2021, and the fall 2021 special project grant will be due Oct. 1, 2021.

O’Brien County Relay For Life set for Aug. 3

The annual O’Brien County Relay For Life will be held Monday, Aug. 3 in Sheldon.

Due to COVID-19 regulations and social distancing, the event will be revised this year. More details will follow as the event plans are completed.

All residents of O’Brien County and the area are invited to help lift the spirits of many local people who are fighting cancer.

Explore plants and animals in the pond

The “Water’s Edge” is a guided/self-guided experience hosted by the O’Brien County Conservation Board that is geared towards youth and their families; however, all people are invited to attend.

This program will help participants explore the plants and animals that live in and along the edge of the pond. Meet near the beach at Douma Park near Sanborn on Tuesday, July 28, from 9-11 a.m. This is a date change from the conservation board newsletter publication.

The naturalist will welcome you and your group to give an introduction and instructions. Your group must not include more than 10 participants. Take-home materials will be provided, and stations will be marked along the trail for your enjoyment. If at any point, your group encounters another along the trail, please announce your presence and allow a safe passing distance.

Call the Prairie Heritage Center at (712) 295-7200 for more information.

Book club meeting will feature prizes for masks

Between the Covers Book Club members will be meeting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28 at the Hartley Public Library to discuss Paulette Jiles’ 2016 Western, “News of the World.”

In keeping with restrictions designed to keep everyone safe, participants are asked to wear masks if they have them. Prizes will be awarded for the prettiest, most unusual and most patriotic masks.

Please observe social distancing guidelines when entering the front of the building and temperatures may be taken. Members will be called ahead of time to provide an accurate count and chairs will be placed appropriately.

Live or virtual Bison Stampede Trail Run

Are you ready to run? Then consider taking part in a walk or run as a way to support the Prairie Heritage Center’s programming and display development.

This year’s Bison Stampede Trail Run will raise money for an experience trail which will be constructed near the observation platform. The trail will be constructed along the slope beside the bison pasture and will include nature play pieces as well as silhouettes of ice age mammals.

This year’s event will include some changes to keep people safe and healthy. It will be conducted both virtually and live.

The running/walking event will be held on trails adjacent to the Prairie Heritage Center. The course covers 5K (3.1 miles) over a cross country-style course. The race takes place on Saturday, Aug. 8. You can register for a start time of either 7, 7:15 or 7:30 a.m. This will allow participants to be safely social distanced at all times. Race day registrations will be taken from 6:30-7:15 a.m.

If you prefer to take part virtually, you can run or walk at any location before race day.

All participants registered before Aug. 1 will receive a race shirt and swag bag.

Visit or call the Prairie Heritage Center at (712) 295-7200 to get race information and to register.

Campground programs at Dog Creek Park

The Dog Creek Park campground near Sutherland will be bursting with activities each weekend from now through Aug. 15. Campground host LuCinda Siekman has planned a variety of activities to encourage park patrons to have fun while camping.

On each Saturday, beginning on July 25, activities will be arranged. Children are invited to attend at times to be determined. Activities will include Wet & Wild Weekend, Paint a Pet Rock, Treasure Hunt and Glow in the Dark Bowling. Check out the website at and the O’Brien County Conservation Board Facebook page for more information about each week’s event.

BQA training rescheduled to July 28 in Spencer

The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) training originally scheduled for July 9 in Spencer has been rescheduled to Tuesday, July 28, from 7-9 p.m. at the 4-H Exhibits Building at the Clay County Fairgrounds.

ISU Extension and Outreach Beef Program Specialist Beth Doran said that despite COVID-19, major packers still require a current BQA certificate from feedlot producers selling market-ready cattle.

The workshops are a collaborative effort of Extension, the Iowa Beef Center and the Iowa Beef Industry Council. Workshops scheduled in this area include:

• July 28, 7-9 p.m., Spencer, 4-H Exhibits Building, Clay County Fairgrounds. RSVP to (712) 262-2264.

• Aug 4, 1-3 p.m. or Aug. 5, 10-a.m.-noon, Orange City, ISU Extension and Outreach Sioux County, Basement Meeting Rooms 2 and 3. RSVP to (712) 737-4230.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, preregistrations will be taken in the order received until room capacity is reached. Please preregister no later than the Friday before the workshop you plan to attend. Walk-ins will not be allowed.

According to Doran, extra measures will be implemented to protect the health of all participants including social distancing, face masks for all, hand sanitizing stations and materials/refreshments at each chair.

Each participant is also asked to evaluate their personal health before attending. Participants should not attend if they do not feel well, have COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to someone testing positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the workshop.

For more information, contact Doran by email at [email protected] or phone at (712) 737-4230. Registrants will be contacted should COVID-19 modify, change or cancel a workshop.

Producers who are uncomfortable or unable to attend an in-person workshop may complete their training online at

Pesticide applicator training at Primghar

Extension Field Agronomist Joel DeJong will host a private pesticide applicator recertification training at Primghar. Trainings were canceled earlier this spring due to COVID-19, at which time the recertification training deadline was extended to Sept. 30.

The training will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28, at the Primghar Community Center. Call (712) 957-5045 at least two days in advance to pre-register. According to DeJong, early registration is needed as there will be a maximum number of registrants accepted to conform with social distancing requirements.

Individuals who do not feel comfortable attending large group gatherings should contact their local Extension office to set up an appointment to view the recorded private pesticide training video in their county office.

All private pesticide applicators that did not get their continuing education done before April 15 were given an extended deadline of Sept. 30. The training at Primghar is intended to enable producers to meet that deadline. However, DeJong reminds applicators that they will still need to attend an upcoming winter program beginning in December if they choose the option of continuing education for their annual certification.

For more information, contact DeJong at (712) 546-7835 or [email protected].

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