Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Return to learn plan approved at H-M-S

Wearing face coverings will not be required at this time

With the new school year about to begin, Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn board members again reviewed guidance from Iowa's education department before approving the return to learn plan.

Information posted last month on H-M-S's Facebook page stated the district is planning for a face-to-face return to classes on Aug. 24, with the possibility of an online option for parents requesting it. Strategies for minimizing the spread of COVID-19 include staying at home when ill, proper hygiene techniques and frequent handwashing, social distancing as much as possible, and frequent cleaning and disinfecting of areas and buses. The Facebook post also stated that "masks are optional."

Updated information reviewed at Monday's meeting is similar to the prior post, except that face coverings should be used "when able to do so safely and correctly."

The department also recommends that in counties where there is 6-14 percent positivity of COVID-19 tests on average over the past 14 days schools should reduce group events/gatherings, limit interschool functions, ensure student and staff groupings are as static as possible, and limit interactions among groups.

According to discussion, O'Brien County's positivity rate is currently 6.4 percent while it is 13.8 percent in Osceola County.

Before voting to approve the plan, Board Member David Vander Broek commended the administrative team for their work. However, he felt it is the board's responsibility to decide whether face coverings should be required.

Vander Broek cited data regarding recent increases in COVID-19 cases and positive test results as well as information stating that children over age 10 can transmit viruses such as COVID-19 in a manner similar to adults. He concluded by recommending that high school and middle school students be required to wear face coverings.

No other board member commented on the plan. Scott Heetland, Chad Lyman and Scott Vollink voted to accept it as presented and Vander Broek voted no. Ryan Haack was not present.

School districts will also be required to identify close contacts for anyone who has been within six feet for more than 15 minutes with a positive COVID-19 case during the infectious period. That information is to be forwarded to local public health officials who will work with the district to determine which students and staff should be quarantined.

"That puts pressure on staff and principals to determine who has been in close contact," said Superintendent Patrick Carlin.

• Agreements, personnel matters

The district will enter into one new sharing agreement and continue two others during the coming year.

H-M-S will share the services of a certified librarian with South O'Brien. That person's time will be shared on an 80-20 basis. The previous sharing agreement with Clay Central/Everly was not extended as their former librarian retired and the current one is only certified for grades K-8.

Athletic sharing agreements were extended to provide H-M-S students with opportunities to participate in the bowling program at Sioux Central and the girls' swimming program at Spencer.

Final adjustments to the certified and non-certified staff handbooks were reviewed and both were approved.

Also discussed was a recommended policy update related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sample language created by the Iowa Association of School Boards to address health and safety decisions includes leave benefits for employees.

According to discussion, districts must offer pandemic-related leave benefits to their staff. However, those benefits are scheduled to expire on Dec. 31. Carlin said that leave situations will be handled on a "case-by-case basis" and it didn't seem appropriate to add a policy that is temporary in nature.

Resignations were accepted from Vicki Irwin, elementary associate, and Julee Burns, high school associate. Contracts were issued to Jeremy Niichel, night custodian/bus driver; Kim Spier, TLC mentor; Jennifer Nassif, part-time elementary associate; Gerilyn Bootsma, middle school associate; and Judith Albert, high school associate.