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Ex-CC/E student named Okoboji Homecoming queen

Clay Central/Everly may no longer celebrate Homecoming in the traditional sense, but luckily it has a former student who can share her crown.

Emma Larson, of Royal, used to wear the Red and Gold cheering the Mavericks on to victory, but those colors have been replaced with the burgundy and gray at Okoboji High School. Replaced is a strong word – she may now proudly wear the Pioneer colors; however, Red and Gold are the colors that helped raise her.

The second-year transfer said the switch to Milford was met with mixed emotions.

"At first in the beginning of my junior year for sure, I was nervous. But once I was involved in volleyball and cheer, it definitely got a lot easier," Larson said. "Being involved helped me make a lot of friends. This year I was worried since I am the only senior out for volleyball, but they really have accepted my advice and we all work well together."

The Homecoming queen visited CC/E Elementary last week, which was a special treat for both the former student and those in their desks. Larson spent her time explaining to the children what Homecoming is and what it means to her.

"I let them know that it is a celebration. It is centered around the end of the week football game, but this year it is definitely a celebration because we are lucky to be together," she said. "This year has been a mess and being able to do something normal, in person, with your friends and school is special."

The 17-year-old noted that it was a "happy moment" when she walked through the familiar doors of Clay Central/Everly.

"I always imagined going down the CC/E hallway, helping pick out the junior attendants if I got on CC/E court," she recalled. "Okoboji doesn't have the fall festival or junior attendants like we used to, so it was nice to come back and take part in something I have always loved about Clay Central/Everly."

Larson also shared a bit of advice to the young students.

"I told the kids that when you are going through rough times to just keep pushing through because you never know what can happen," she said. "I also made sure they knew to stay involved and participate in as many things as they can since school is the main place you can try new things and challenge yourself before you get to college."

The Homecoming queen may have a crown elsewhere, but a piece of her heart will always remain at CC/E.

"It really did feel like I was back home," Larson said.

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