Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

11/05/20: Area Happenings & Accomplishments

All 18 community trout ponds now stocked

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources released between 1,000 to 2,000 rainbow trout at the last five community trout ponds recently as part of its cool weather trout program that brings trout to areas that cannot support them during the summer.

Scharnberg Pond east of Everly was one of the ponds included on the list. All fall community trout stockings were unannounced this year, and family fishing events were not held to help reduce the crowd size at stocking locations and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Bringing trout to cities and towns offers a “close to home” option for Iowans who might not travel to the coldwater streams in northeast Iowa to discover trout fishing. The popular program is supported by the sales of the trout fee. Anglers need a valid fishing license and pay the trout fee to fish for or possess trout. The daily limit is five trout per licensed angler with a possession limit of 10.

Children age 15 or younger can fish for trout with a properly licensed adult, but they must limit their catch to one daily limit. The child can purchase a trout fee which will allow them to catch their own limit.

Find more information about trout fishing in Iowa on the DNR trout fishing webpage.

CC/E re-enrolled in Summer Food Service Program

The USDA has issued nationwide waivers that allow school districts and community organizations to extend the operation of the Summer Food Service Program into the current school year through Dec. 31, or until available funding runs out.

The Clay Central/Everly Community School District is participating in the program during this time, which will allow for a safe and streamlined service of nutritious meals. Meals will be provided to all enrolled children without charge. Free meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows: CC/E Elementary, breakfast at 8-8:20 a.m., and lunch is served from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

2021 Paint Iowa Beautiful program

Keep Iowa Beautiful and Diamond Vogel Paint have announced the 2021 Paint Iowa Beautiful program, which provides free paint to a wide variety of community projects throughout Iowa.

The partnership with Keep Iowa Beautiful allows Diamond Vogel to assist and work with many local volunteers that help build communities. It offers an opportunity for Iowans to improve the attractiveness and beautiful of their community.

In the 18-year partnership with Keep Iowa Beautiful, Diamond Vogel has awarded over 11,165 gallons of paint for 1,000 community projects in Iowa.

The online grant application is now open to Iowans and can be completed and submitted by Feb. 15. Access the Paint Iowa Beautiful application at

Help available for small businesses and non-profits

Gov. Kim Reynolds has allocated federal CARES Act funds to assist small businesses and nonprofits economically impacted by COVID-19.

The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Small Business Utility Disruption Prevention Program will provide short-term to eligible small businesses and nonprofits that face significant hardship in the payment of utility bills for service provided during the months of disruption to their business. Visit for more information and an application.

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