Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties
Pesticide applicator trainings are postponed
Private pesticide applicator trainings originally scheduled for Dec. 8 in Paullina and Dec. 9 in Rock Rapids have been postponed in response to the governor's latest COVID-19 guidance.
The training at the Paullina Legion has been rescheduled to Jan. 14 at 9:30 a.m., and the Rock Rapids training will be held at 9:30 a.m. on March 4 at the Forster Community Center.
Field Agronomist Joel DeJong said in a news release that at this time the remaining northwest Iowa private pesticide applicator training schedule will remain as-is; however, COVID-19 mandates and guidelines may cause more programs to be postponed.
"This year we are requiring that producers preregister for private pesticide training," DeJong said. "We are doing this for many reasons: to ensure we have proper space for social distancing being one of the big ones, but also to make sure we can contact you if a meeting schedule changes. We are prioritizing the health and safety of all and appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation."
For additional information, contact your local ISU Extension and Outreach office or DeJong at (712) 546-7835 or [email protected].
Donated deer hides benefit disabled veterans
Hunters donated more than 4,100 deer hides to Elks Lodges across Iowa last year, which was a slight decrease from the 2018-2019 season. The deer hides are used by the Veterans Leather Program to make professionally-crafted leather gloves for veterans in wheelchairs and also turned into leather used for therapy programs for recovering veterans.
The Veterans Leather Program relies on the charity of hunters to donate their deer hides. Hunters willing to donate their hides are encouraged to contact the local Elks Lodge for drop off locations or visit to find the nearest lodge. The therapeutic kits and gloves are distributed at no cost to the veterans.
Contact Lisa Widick at (208) 360-6294 or [email protected] for more information.