Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Live nativity scene hosted in Everly

December usually boasts a myriad of opportunities for youth to gather and celebrate the Christmas season as one, but just like everything else, the pandemic has put a damper on many traditional holiday plans.

The wonderful thing about congregations and communities built in lasting friendships is the creativity birthed in their comradery and togetherness. Hope proved that all is not lost and the Christmas story can still be beautifully told, even given these unfortunate times and pandemic restrictions.

More than 25 Hope Lutheran children plus parents and volunteers came together last Sunday to bring a live, drive-through Nativity scene to the Hope Lutheran Church grounds. Vehicles started on the south end of the church parking lot and first witnessed Joseph and Mary atop a live "donkey" (horse) on their journey to Bethlehem. Viewers were then ushered through the church carport where they received a cheerful hello from church volunteers as children brought to them either hot cocoa or cider.

After the warmth of a drink and friendly hello, drivers continued their way to the west side of the church where a host of angels and shepherds sat on a pyramid of bales watching their flock of live goats. The bale-perchers let us know "The Messiah is born this day!" The tour continued north where cutout camels were walked by the three wise men bringing gifts to the newborn King. Finally, the Nativity drive ended in the church's north parking lot, where the beautiful manger scene was acted out, complete with Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus, shepherds, a live donkey and steer.

The thoughtfulness of each display, statuesque patience and joy of each child participant, and creativity of each parent volunteer was proof that the Holy Spirit was present. The beautiful story of Christmas found a unique and truly magnificent way to be shared with our communities.

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