Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

1971: Hospital offering alcoholism treatment

• Feb. 21, 1946

Approximately 500 persons attended the American Legion dinner-dance at the Legion Hall. By far the greatest part of the crowd was made up of veterans of World War II and their guests, with the balance of the representation from the American Legion and Auxiliary.

The northwest quarter of section 22 in Lincoln Township near Hartley, owned by Edward Houtkooper, was sold to Ralph Ahrens, of Hartley, for $225 per acre or a total cash consideration of $38,000.

Orlan Ott, who had been recently discharged from the Navy, was featured in the program of the annual Golden Gloves amateur boxing tournament at Sioux City. Ott was the Sioux City champion in 1939 and 1940, and the national champion in 1944.

• Feb. 18, 1971

Bruce Peters, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Peters, of Hartley, made his first solo flight at the Hartley airport. Elmer Muecke, of M & B Flying Service at Sheldon, was his flight instructor.

Richard Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Potter and a senior at Hartley High School, was named a 1970-71 National Merit Scholarship finalist. As a finalist, he ranked in the top one-half of one percent of graduating seniors nationwide.

Hartley Community Memorial Hospital signed a contract for a voluntary rehabilitation program with the Northwest Iowa Alcoholism Service. Under the program alcoholics, on referral of their personal physicians, could undergo rehabilitation at the local hospital. The breakthrough in the treatment of alcoholics locally was largely due to the medical and hospital staff, the board of directors and Dr. Ivan E. Brown, local physician.

• Feb. 22, 1996

Bernie Saggau, executive director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, was the keynote speaker for the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn drug and alcohol abuse program. He spoke to the high school students and addressed a group of parents at the family night program. Saggau also spoke to over 100 persons at the annual mayors’ breakfast held at the Hartley American Legion Building.

The I.E.F. Club was selling tickets for a raffle to be held in conjunction with their spring craft show. The winner would receive a quilt that was handstitched by Bev Nagel.

The Hartley Public Library board was seeking interested persons to organize a “Friends of the Library” group that would serve as a foundation for funds received for future library renovations.

“From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.