Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Letters: American Rescue Plan is not a blue state bailout

To the editor:

I found the editorial by Sen. Joni Ernst in the March 11 edition interesting but misleading. The American Rescue Plan supports the following:

1. Extended unemployment payments for those who lost their job because of the pandemic.

2. Increased food aid addressing help for those needing food assistance.

3. School and childcare block grants to be used for improved ventilation, purchase of protective equipment and steps to help schools reopen safely.

4. Speed up distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccine and testing across the country.

5. Rental assistance and eviction moratorium.

6. Assistance for small businesses hit hard by the pandemic.

7. Child care tax credit, which will help children out of poverty. The United States has the largest number of children in poverty than any other developed country in the world.

Contrary to the senator’s statement, the American Rescue Plan is not a blue state relief plan, but for all states. It is not directed to millionaires. The goal is to win the war on the COVID-19 virus, support the growth of the economy for all Americans and to safely reopen schools. For the senator to refer to blue states or red states is divisive rhetoric. We are the United States of America.

As a side note, I am an independent voter who votes for the person and not the party.

Shirley Mori Sorenson

West Des Moines