Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Letters: Low COVID-19 positivity rate sparks CMHC reopening process

To the editor:

The staff, tenants and residents at Community Memorial Health Center would like to share their appreciation to the citizens of Hartley and surrounding areas for their diligence with COVID-19 protocols and vaccinations. Our county’s low positive rate means we can begin to reopen our doors to visitors. I wish you could witness the reunions; they are tearjerkers.

I taught psychology at the college level for 25 years. One of my favorite topics was Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychologist, philosopher and Holocaust survivor. He is called “the father of existentialism.” In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, he writes about his experience in a concentration camp. He noticed that when someone went off by themselves, they would soon die.

From this, he concluded, “Survival is a collective act.”

Frankl’s epithet rings true for pandemic survivors – thanks again!

Dr. Janette Simon,

CMHC Administrator,
