Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

CC/E students learn small biz economics

The fifth and sixth grade students at Clay Central/Everly Elementary are learning new skills to prepare for business life in the real world with their recent "CCE Town" project.

Students have been working hard for many weeks readying their buildings and preparing their stores. "Business owners" sold numerous items like rings, flowers, books, paper planes and baked goods.

Children learned proper communication and customer service, offensive and defensive skills in the supply and demand department, business economics in pricing and sales techniques, and finance basics for the business world. Younger elementary students were able to walk through CCE Town to purchase items with their play-cash. Some purchased books and bracelets, while others were drawn towards paper planes and cookies.

All enjoyed learning how to spend money wisely, how far a dollar can actually stretch, and working on their manners and business etiquette throughout the experience.