Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1996: Everly cattleman testifies in U.S. Senate

• June 27, 1946

O’Brien County had 111 boys enrolled in nine farm projects. The baby beef club project topped the list of enrollments. There were 53 members enrolled with 95 animals on feed. Ranking in second place was the purebred litter project which had 20 members.

Five individuals from O’Brien County were included as charter members in the initial signup of the Flying Farmers of Iowa organization. They were LeRoy Getting, of Sanborn, and Bernard Thorne, Helen Thorne, J.R. Thorne and Marjorie Thorne, all of Moneta.

Lyle Gowan, of Cherokee, purchased the Olhausen Implement Co. in Hartley from Clarence and Henry Olhausen. Orlie Schlarbaum, who had just purchased the Hartley Dry Cleaning plant from Louie Scherer, sold the business to Arie Koerselman, of Sheldon.

• June 24, 1971

Steve Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer of Hartley, won the 12-year-old division of the Phillips Petroleum Co. pitch, hit and throw competition at Milwaukee, Wis. Steve was the only winner from Iowa. His sponsors were Steinmetz Oil Co. and Uptown 66 Service in Hartley.

The Hartley Booster Club was the name for the new group organized to support the high school athletic program. Elected to the board were John Van Olst, Janice Meyer, Bill Fleming and Rich Anderson for terms of two years, and Jean Ahrenstorff, Audley DeGraaf and Rev. Bernard Sayler for one-year terms.

Graduation exercises marked the conclusion of the annual Bible Time Crusade at Central Avenue Baptist Church. Total enrollment was 115 with an average attendance of 90. Starla Campbell, of Moneta, was the grand champion and also the memorizing champ, with three chapters quoted from beginning to end.

• June 27, 1996

Carl Jensen, Everly cattle feeder and chairman of the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association marketing committee, testified before the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee regarding agriculture concentration. Jensen’s testimony centered on steps government could take to increase the amount and speed of information available to average producers. He also discussed a new Iowa law which made it easier for farmers to enter co-ops that processed value-added products.

Friends of the Hartley Public Library held an organizational meeting and elected Dorothy Litts as chairman; Krista Ahmann, vice chairman; Florence Hoftyzer, secretary; Howard Borchard, treasurer; and Martin Arthur, director of public relations. The Friends were organized to support the library’s goal of serving the community.

The Y’Eltrah Club, as one of its community projects, provided for three maple trees that were planted at Fanning Field.

“From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.

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