Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1946: Chicago Cubs sign Everly native Fear

• Aug. 15, 1946

Members of the park board met with a representative from a Minnesota nursery and approved the plan for Hartley’s park. A section of the park was set aside for tennis and badminton courts in the summer and a skating rink in the winter.

The Hartley town council agreed to raise the salaries of most of the town employees by $15 per month. Those benefitting from the raises were Walt Kruger, Harry Lage, Earl Gonnerman, Eber Salser, Henry Boetel, Alvin Muilenburg, William Ebert and Gilbert Rinck.

Vernon Fear, 21-year-old pitcher for the Everly team, was signed by the Chicago Cubs and was to report to the Three-Eye League in the spring. Fear started his baseball career in Junior Legion ball. He then played one year of independent baseball before playing with Navy teams overseas.

• Aug. 12, 1971

Fire destroyed a barn, five cattle feeders and 40 hogs at the Phil Kaiser farm located southeast of Melvin. Combustion was surmised to be the cause of the blaze. Fire departments from Melvin, Sanborn and Hartley answered the call.

Monica Hein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hein and a 1971 graduate of the Everly Community School, was selected to be an entrant in the Miss Iowa Cover Girl Contest. She was a modeling and fashion merchandising major at the Patricia Stevens Career College in Milwaukee, Wis.

The champion pen of the 1971 O’Brien County advanced cattle feeders program was owned by Keith Jacobs, of Sanborn. His pen had an average daily gain of 3.05 pounds and a finished weight of 1,188 pounds. The reserve champion pen was owned by Kent Rusch, of Hartley. Both pens scored 97 out of a possible 100 points.

• Aug. 15, 1996

Jack Robert Hamilton and Evan Erichsen, members of Hartley Boy Scout Troop 158, spent 16 days at the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, N.M. with other boys and leaders from Thundercloud District. They backpacked in the mountains for 62 miles, carrying 50 pounds of gear.

The Moneta Class of 1944 had 100 percent attendance for its 52-year reunion, with the four living class members present. Attending were Maynard Holst, Edwin Galm, Helen (Thorne) Baumeister and Marlin Meehlhause. The deceased class members were Loretta (Garms) Rossiter and Marcella Koehnk.

The shelter house and restroom facility at the city park received a facelift as the roof was reshingled. Hartley Farm and Home Center donated shingles and members of the Hartley Lions Club volunteered time and effort for the shingling.

“From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.

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