Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

O'Brien Co. Fair non-livestock results


Communication / Educational

Presentations / 11100: Educational

Presentation / 11100: Select This Class

Blaine Finster Purple, Clay County Fair

Communication / Pride of Iowa / 11501:

Pride of Iowa

Abby Woodall Purple, Clay County Fair

Kate Dau Purple, Clay County Fair

Communication / Share the Fun / 11300:

Share the Fun / 11300: Select This


Olivia Lopez Jauregui Purple


Clothing Event / $15 Challenge / 12301:

Jr. $15 Challenge

Abby Woodall Lavender, Clay County

Fair, Outstanding Junior

Ema Stofferan Orange

Lilee Miller Blue

Natalee Miller Blue

Adrianna Ebel Blue

Kate Dau Lavender, Clay County Fair,

Outstanding Junior

Bailey Van Engen Blue

Greta Hustedt Blue

Sarah Puhrmann Lavender, Outstanding Model

Emily Lopez Jauregui Orange

Olivia Lopez Jauregui Lavender, Clay County Fair

Clothing Event / $15 Challenge / 12302:

Int. $15 Challenge

Chloe Hustedt Lavender, Clay County Fair

Clothing Event / $15 Challenge / 12302:

Sr. $15 Challenge

Payton Farquhar Purple, State Fair

Clothing Event / Clothing Selection /

12201: Jr. Clothing Selection

Abby Woodall Blue

Ema Stofferan Orange

Kate Dau Lavender, Clay County Fair

Greta Hustedt Orange, Outstanding Model

Olivia Lopez Jauregui Lavender

Emily Lopez Jauregui Orange

Clothing Event / Clothing Selection /

12202: Int. Clothing Selection

Chloe Hustedt Lavender, Clay County Fair

Reese Farquhar Lavender, Clay County Fair

Clothing Event / Clothing Selection /

12203: Sr. Clothing Selection

Grace Fuhrman Purple, Clay County Fair

Whitney Einck Lavender,

Clay County Fair

Lydia Hustedt Purple, State Fair

Payton Farquhar Purple

Clothing Event / Fashion Revue / 12101:

Jr. Fashion Revue

Emma Beck Lavender, Clay

County Fair, Outstanding Model

Cassidy Horstmann Lavender, Clay

County Fair, Outstanding Model

Clothing Event / Fashion Revue / 12102:

Int. Fashion Revue

Lindsey Einck Purple, Clay

County Fair, Outstanding Intermediate


Horticulture / Bucket of Vegetables or Flowers /

234: Bucket of Vegetables

Rachel Besaw Blue

Blaine Finster Purple

Samuel Daniels Purple

Jasper Johnson Purple

Horticulture / Bucket of Vegetables or Flowers /

235: Bucket of Flowers

Rachel Besaw Blue

Addison Triplett Blue

Blaine Finster Blue

Samuel Daniels Purple (2)

Cassidy Horstmann Purple

Chloe Hustedt Blue

Greta Hustedt Orange, Junior Merit Horticulture

Addisson Dobbins Blue

Hailey Dobbins Blue

Bailey Van Engen Orange, Junior Merit Horticulture

Drew Wittrock Purple

Noah Wittrock Purple

Horticulture / House Plants / 226: Flowering Plants

Samuel Daniels Purple (2)

Horticulture / House Plants / 231: Fairy Gardens

Bailey Van Engen Blue

Horticulture / Vegetables / 209: Sweet Corn

Kaeley Einck Purple

Lindsey Einck Purple

Whitney Einck Purple

Horticulture / Vegetables / 222: Beans-Any

Lilee Miller Blue

Natalee Miller Blue