Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Hartley course wants to host HS golf meets

Request to be discussed by H-M-S administration, athletic staff

One of the golf courses in the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn School District is interested in hosting high school meets again.

Meadowbrook Golf and Country Club board President Rodney Ahrenstorff asked the school board to allow the Hartley course to also be a host site for meets. The golf teams have been practicing and playing at Sanborn Golf and Country Club since 2016.

According to discussion, the Sanborn course offers free memberships and access to the driving range for all high school golfers. Ahrenstorff said Meadowbrook would also consider doing that. He acknowledged Meadowbrook's range is not as long and that the course is "tougher" because it has more trees and Waterman Creek running through it.

Board Member Ryan Haack said his biggest concern was which course offered the most support for high school golfers.

"I don't care where they golf," he said. "More important is do they have access, to equipment, training and support. Having access to both courses could be advantageous for kids."

President Scott Heetland said the board would refer Meadowbrook's request to the coaches, administration and athletic director for further consideration.

• Use of district logo approved

Keep Aim Boutique and Floral is interested in reproducing the district's logo on customized apparel. According to information considered by the board, the boutique has embroidered hats for H-M-S Parents In Education and wants to expand apparel selections at their store in Sutherland.

The boutique offered to give $1 back for each shirt sold to organizations or extracurriculars that place orders.

Superintendent Patrick Carlin said H-M-S currently sends logos to anyone requesting them as there is no restriction on their use.

The board agreed to allow the stacked HMS and Hawk logos to be used by the boutique.

• SPED application, contracts

H-M-S will apply to gain spending authority back on its special education deficit. According to Carlin, the district's SPED deficit is higher than in past years. He attributed the increase to costs being billed back for H-M-S students open enrolled to other districts.

"It appears to be a trend," Carlin noted. "The state says there is nothing they can do about it."

The high school Psychology class was granted permission to visit the South Dakota state penitentiary at Sioux Falls. Instructor Jim Thomas said the experience will include a panel discussion led by two inmates, which will give students an opportunity to explore theories they are studying.

Contracts were offered to Danette Block to continue the tumbling program and to Anastasia Grillo for a part time elementary associate position. Carlin said additional associates are needed, especially at the elementary school.

Carlin also reported on issues with the high school HVAC system.

"Something was altered and some units in the high school were not working properly," he said. "It's a programming issue. When everything works, it works well."

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