Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1996: Buechler wins open Hartley council seat

• Nov. 28, 1946

Arthur Krebs, son of Mrs. Clara Krebs, was appointed to the staff of Hawkeye, student yearbook at the State University of Iowa. It was Krebs’ duty to arrange contracts with various organizations on campus for space in the yearbook. Krebs was a freshman in the college of liberal arts.

Most local residents were wondering how the order to observe a brownout during the coal strike would affect Hartley. City authorities stated that the ruling applied only where electrical power was supplied by coal. Hartley’s municipal light plant was powered by diesel engines.

“Let’s get together more often” was heard up and down Main Street following the very successful Chamber of Commerce guest night dinner-dance. Approximately 250 business men, their wives and guests were in attendance at the dinner. Dancing was enjoyed by many after the program.

• Nov. 25, 1971

For several years it was the custom of the Klio Club IFWC to remember shut-ins in the community at Thanksgiving. Seven members of the club prepared 21 plates of goodies that were distributed to local residents.

Oliver C. Abbott was awarded a life membership in the Iowa State Education Association. Abbott had been a high school science teacher in the Hartley Community School District since 1949.

Miss Claudia Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Adams of Hartley, left by plane for Chicago to compete in the National Shorthorn Lassie Contest. She was originally to leave on Thanksgiving, but a special invitation was received by her to go to Chicago early for an interview with the mayor and the press. It was understood that Life Magazine was interested in doing a feature story.

• Nov. 28, 1996

Darrell Buechler was the choice of a majority of Hartley voters to fill a vacancy on the city council. Buechler won the seat with 248 votes while Rodney Ahrenstorff received 118. Buechler filled the unexpired term of Beverly Heimsoth who had resigned.

Huntting Elevator Co. and Terra Industries announced they had executed an agreement whereby Terra would acquire all of the outstanding capital stock of Huntting Elevator. Huntting’s locations, including the elevator in Hartley, would serve customers in a region within Terra’s Northern Division.

H-M-S Elementary student council members were visiting their adoptive “grandparents” once a month at Community Memorial Health Center. The staff selected which residents would be visited and two students were paired together to visit them. Students and their friends at the Health Center agreed the visits were not often or long enough.

“From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.