Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Mavericks make merry music

One of the most refreshing and nostalgic elements of the Christmas season is the beauty of holiday music. Nothing can bring a smile to a grownup's ear than hearing the cheer of Christmas sung by children.

Last Thursday evening the students at Clay Central/Everly Elementary came together for the annual Winter Concert. Kicking off the evening was the Maverick band. Small but mighty, the students proudly played classics that warmed up audience members for more music merriment to come.

Following the band, each class sang three Christmas- or winter-themed songs to an engaged audience. The catchy background music was easily outdone by the festively-clad Mavericks singing cheerful music for all to enjoy.

The talent, energy, excitement and confidence the Mavericks brought to their performance was undeniable and a treat for all in attendance. The Maverick crew knew exactly how to make their communities, families and friends proud with such a fun and festive performance to kick off the Christmas season.