Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1997: New aviary dazzles residents at CMHC

• Jan. 2, 1947

Missing from the files.

• Dec, 30, 1971

Lawrence Bethke expanded his shelling business with the purchase of a new John Deere No. 6 sheller mounted on a truck.

Darrell Negus, Glen Peters and Duane Kunkel purchased a truck and auger from Emil Hennings. They were equipped to do custom grain hauling.

The U Chain Co., owned by Elmer Neebel, planned to hold a grand opening at its location on First Street, in the first building west of the Hartley fire station.

The town council met to discuss the blanket insurance policy with Donald Trimer, of Treimer’s Insurance Agency. He explained the policy and agreed to check into the reason for the premium increase. Salaries of town employees were also discussed and final decisions were deferred to the first regular meeting in January. Increases in some salaries were considered.

• Jan. 2, 1997

The Community Memorial Health Center welcomed some winged residents who took up roost in the facility’s new aviary. Combined with memorials given for the project, approximately $2,100 had been raised for the aviary which was located in the east lounge of Mann Memorial Wing. The lounge was “standing room only” on Christmas Day as residents, family and staff watched the birds become acclimated to their new home.

Hartley area youngsters didn’t seem to mind the cold weather that had settled on northwest Iowa. They were taking advantage of the skating rink located Neebel Park, south of the municipal swimming pool. The conditions turned out to be great for winter sports.

“From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.