Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

• April 17, 1947

Baseball was a popular sport in Hartley. The high school team won its opener against Sutherland, 9-7. The American Legion Post announced plans for a Junior Legion team, with boys from 10 area towns eligible to participate. The Hartley Red Caps, a local independent team, was beginning practices under the direction of Coach Harry Olhausen. Anyone living within 15 miles of Hartley was invited to play.

A contract was signed by Trinity Evangelical and Reformed Church with the Reuter Organ Co., of Lawrence, Kan., for a new pipe organ. The organ was to be installed in the church sometime within the next 22 months.

The pupils of Hartley No. 2 and No. 3, under the direction of their teachers, Misses Arlene and Pauline Houston, presented a creative program on Russia. The program consisted of a playlet, Russian music and dancing, and a debate entitled “Communism Versus Democracy.”

• April 13, 1972

Carl Ruby, owner of Ruby Implement Co. in Hartley, spoke to the graduating class of diesel and farm equipment mechanics at the Canby, Minn. Area Vocational-Technical Institute. The title of his presentation was “What Is Expected of an Employee.”

The Tritonia Junior IFWC presented a “Brides Through the Years” style show at Trinity United Church of Christ. Dresses from each decade of the century were modeled, dating back to 1900.

In the interest of the safety of younger children who used the elementary playground, the Hartley school board declared the area off limits to motorized minibikes, go-carts and motorcycles. The ban was in effect at all times of the day and throughout the year.

• April 17, 1997

The Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn school board received a petition calling for a special election to approve not more than $2.5 million in bonds to finance additions to the high school building. The election date was set for May 20. The petition contained 590 signatures, well in excess of the 86 required. The amount of the bond issue was the same as was proposed in previous attempts to approve the project.

The H-M-S Athletic Boosters received the District Booster Club of the Year award for the fifth straight year. The award was given by the Booster Clubs of Iowa in recognition of the group’s excellence in sports fundraising and service to athletics.

H-M-S High School students completed a mathematical hat trick, winning the team title of the Merten Hasse High School Mathematics Contest for the third consecutive year. H-M-S scored 90 team points and had individuals place first in three of the four divisions.

“From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.

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