Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Bits 'n Pieces

Remembering motherly memories

Hello, friends!

I'm typing this on Monday and even though it's a touch on the windy side, it is gorgeous outside! (This opening sentence has me wondering if it is just Iowans that discuss weather within the first 5 minutes of every conversation or all of the Midwest? Ha!)

This past Sunday we celebrated our Bethlehem Lutheran graduates, (which I hear they celebrated at Hope the Sunday prior). It is so wonderful to see the church family come together to bless, encourage and celebrate the seniors in our congregations. The church ladies always do a beautiful job with their gift of quilts for each senior and the reception to follow is a wonderful way for the seniors to share their future plans with all in attendance. Congratulations to all of you and many blessings on your journey ahead! You are capable of doing amazing things!

This past weekend was also a special weekend of celebrating the mothers in our lives. Social media platforms were adorned with pictures, old and new, shared of mothers of all ages – some no longer with us, some taking the helm as mother for the first time, others celebrated as grandmothers or even "grandma greats."

I have been blessed with the best mother, mother-in-law and grandmother in the world. My late Grandma Penny was a joyous light in my life as well, the memories of her I hold near and dear. Luckily, I am still blessed to have my momma Teresa Meyer, Grandma Arlene Meyer and mother-in-law Sherry Toft as constant rays of joy, love, guidance and a foundation of faith in my life. I truly can't express in words how lovely each of them is in their own certain ways, how they bless my little family's lives and how much they mean to me.

These women hold faith and family at the center of everything, cherishing each precious moment of life and giving selflessly of themselves in every way. They have each dealt with loss, pain, suffering, grief and change, yet done so with grace and poise, knowing that their faith and family would see them through. Their tenacity in being a farmer's or electrician's wife is admirable enough, but they don't bat an eye in how often their spouses may have been gone for work or how much they had to give of themselves because they took their jobs as "mother" seriously, always putting their babies before themselves.

I love them each dearly and know that I wouldn't be where I am today without them all. Happy Mother's Day to these three amazing women and all of you wonderful women out there celebrating your moms or being mom. It's a title I cherish deeply and know that my life has much more meaning with my beautiful babies in it!


Each week Pastor Mark of Bethlehem Lutheran shares Coffee Shop Wisdom at the start of the service. This past week he shared two great ones that I'll share now.

"Justice without strength is helpless, strength without justice is tyranny."

"Even a fish stays out of trouble if it keeps its mouth shut."


We are embarking on the final few weeks of school and thus, I would like to let all of the parents and teachers out there know that we are praying for you! We know this is a hectic time for all as you try to teach children and prepare for the school year's end while juggling spring sports, concerts and more. You are not alone and I am praying for your sanity!


Below is another original Hope Lutheran Church Cookbook favorite of mine (found on page 248). In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I would share one of my great grandma's recipes that never fails me and I make often.

4-H Pie Crust

By Lena L. Schmidt

Mix well ½ cup Crisco, 1 tsp. salt and ¼ cup flour. Add 1 ¼ cup flour and ¼ cup water at the same time. Stir until it makes a big ball. Lay your flour foundation on a clean surface, sprinkle flour on top of dough ball, and roll until crust is desired size and thickness. (Grandma adds that if you double the recipe, it will make 3 single pie crusts.)

Enjoy this recipe and the amazing weather this week! Have a blessed day!

Sentinel-News contributor Iesha Toft lives in Royal.

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