Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Bits 'n Pieces

On the cusp of summer

Hello to all!

I hope you have been staying well and enjoying the sun this week! Between those crazy haboob windstorms and days that feel like rain yet it never rains, I think I'm ready for some heat and sun to come our way. I better start stocking up on sunscreen by the barrel now!


We have quite a bit of Coffee Shop Wisdom material to catch up on with Pastor Mark of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. His first is, "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." Next is, "Blessed is the one who expects nothing, for they shall never be disappointed." Finally, he adds, "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come." Thank you to Pastor Mark for your Coffee Shop Wisdom submissions!

My "Prayer a Day for Mothers" prayer journal discussed "simply believing" today. It spoke on Romans 4:17, "(Abraham) is our father in God's sight in whom (He) believed-the God who gives life to the dead and calls things into existence that do not exist." It talked about how that sometimes it may be hard to believe like Abraham did...that God is in control and that He will provide, or to fathom that He cares about even the smallest of details in which we face. We are asked to believe like Abraham...that God has the answers to our questions and the power to conquer the fears within.

To know we are forgiven and fully loved is a pretty amazing thing.


Not much is new in our home front. My band is keeping busy. Josh's work is busy, too. My daycare kiddos are busy little bees that keep me on my toes. The Little Leaguers have had good enough weather that our last four games have been able to be played in full, and although there is much to learn, they are enjoying their season and ready for warmer days ahead.

My girls are busy doing their at-home workbooks and summer chores, while having a lot of fun. They can't wait for swimming weather to appear! We are almost there (the girls are actually in the sprinkler with friends as we speak).


I'm praying for this economy to take a turn for the better. I'm praying for the farmers who had to replant crops due to the windstorm or other issues. I'm praying their planting season is uneventfully wonderful and this year's yield is plentiful and profitable. I'm praying for everyone in the uncertainty of the unknown.

However, if there is one thing that I know it is that God has got us, along with all of these worries or potential concerns. We've got this because He's got us. Rest assured in that.

Our recipe for today is from the Hope Lutheran Church Book. Another one of Grandma's favorites. Enjoy and have a wonderful week!


Soft Oatmeal Cookies

aka Alvena's Moist Oatmeal Cookies

By Mrs. Peter Schmidt

and Ethel Schuknecht


1 c. shortening (can use ½ oleo and ½ Crisco)

1 c. sugar

2 eggs, beaten

1 tsp. vanilla

2 c. flour

¼ tsp. salt

½ c. nuts

2 c. oatmeal

1 c. raisins

1 c. water

1 tsp. soda


Boil raisins and water together for about 5 min. Drain. Use ½ c. of the raisin water and add the soda to it. Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Add flour alternately with raisin water and soda. Add salt, raisins, nuts, and oatmeal. Mix well. Drop by teaspoons onto cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees about 10-12 minutes. (Variation: Ethel uses ¼ tsp. soda in this recipe and omits the vanilla. She bakes these cookies at 325 degrees for about 12 minutes).

Sentinel-News contributor Iesha Toft lives in Royal.

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