Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Letters: A funny thing happened last week

To the editor:

A summer storm hit our town, a derecho (a word I’d never heard until a couple years ago) made quite a mess. Had never seen such a wind – tree limbs and debris everywhere. Powerlines were down so I started clearing streets so the power company could do their work.

Let’s go back. I’m Sherm Nielsen, the town guy. I’ve lived here my whole life. When I was younger I knew everyone in town. We all helped each other and looked out for our neighbors. Things have changed in Royal over the years like in all small towns, and it seemed like being there for your neighbors had been lost in the shuffle and I missed that.

The next morning power was on, the café was open for my breakfast and my phone started ringing. People showed up, asking what do you want us to do and where do you need us. Local contractors, farmers and a not-so-local contractor changing their plans to help. The volunteers slowly worked through town, house-by-house, not questioning whose house, just dragging the messes to the street to be hauled away. (My heart softened a little.) Lunch and then supper at the local restaurant, all paid by local diners in appreciation for our efforts. Darkness fell on the first day.

The next morning was a continuation of the first, friends helping friends, neighbors helping neighbors, strangers helping strangers. And in the middle of all the mess I got my town back. The ones that could stepped up for the ones that couldn’t and the ones that couldn’t were there with a bottle of water and a very sincere thank you.

Sure Royal has changed, but it has also stayed the same and that is what has and always will make me home town proud!

Sherman Nielsen,
