Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties
The Everly Public Library was a bustling place in August as facility improvements got underway.
One of the most noticeable upgrades is the addition of a new privacy fence in the space behind the library. Local contractors Shane Breidinger, Kelly Monnahan, Todd Pearson and Neil Scharnberg, as well as several volunteers, spent a Saturday and Sunday morning putting the posts in and then setting the fence.
Through the help of a Northwest Iowa Early Childhood grant and a few generous donations, the library has finally fenced in the space so it can be utilized for programming and relaxing. The next step will be adding sod and some plantings – keep the library in mind if you are getting rid of some plants or splitting them this fall.
Next spring the library will be getting furniture for a seating area and some equipment for the kids to be able to use to explore nature. If you would like to donate to this space, feel free to contact Christie at the library through email at [email protected].
Another way that you can make a donation to the library is by purchasing items off of Amazon. This works in two different ways. First, you can purchase items off of our wishlist at This list is constantly updated with the library's needs and desires, big and small. You can purchase something and have it shipped directly to the library.
Another way you can donate to is by using the Amazon Smiles program. This program is at no additional cost to you other than the cost of the purchase. By using and choosing Friends of the Everly Public Library as your charity, a percentage of your sales will come back to the library through our friends' group. Every little bit helps.