Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1997: Al Grigg wins ESP Iowa Citizen Award

• Nov. 27, 1947

Carl Rahn purchased Bud’s Food Market, located across the street on the corner south of the Park Hotel. The new owner had been operating a grocery and meat business in the former Kosta location. The new store afforded him much greater floor space in order to serve his customers.

Through the joint efforts of the park board and recreation board, an ice skating rink would be provided in Hartley. A definite location had not been decided upon, but plans were going forward rapidly and all was expected to be in readiness for flooding.

The Chamber of Commerce was offering a $25 cash prize for the best slogan of 10 words or less boosting Hartley. The winning slogan was to be placed on the former servicemen’s honor roll. A committee of the Chamber of Commerce would determine the winner of the contest.

• Nov. 23, 1972

Following a lengthy discussion during which it was made quite evident that Hartley would not receive state approval for the dump grounds, the town council voted to join a three-county solid waste agency. The Hartley dump would remain in operation until the joint landfill opened.

Mary Mills and Deb Donnenwerth, clarinet players in the Hartley High School Band, successfully auditioned to be members of the 274-piece All-State Band. Mills was chosen for the second time to participate in the All-State Music Festival at Des Moines.

Rita (Koehnecke) Wohlert, of Iowa Falls, was featured in the December issue of “The Family Circle” in a soap commercial ad. Her son, Shane, appeared in the picture with her. Wohlert’s parents were Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Koehnecke, of Hartley. The ad was scheduled to appear in several other magazines.

• Nov. 27, 1997

Al Grigg, of Everly, received the Epsilon Sigma Phi Iowa Citizen Award during the Iowa State University Extension annual conference. The farm director at KICD radio in Spencer was recognized for his continuing and effective service in agriculture through many channels of performance and leadership. Grigg was chairperson of the Clay County Extension Council and highlighted a wide array of Extension programs and activities through his on-air broadcasts.

The student council at Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Elementary held its annual clothing drive. Students brought in clothing items they no longer wore or needed. The items were taken to Upper Des Moines Opportunity at Sheldon. Student council members were Megan Benz, Crystal George, Jason Jacobs, Andrew Klumpp, Dylan Miller, Beth Olson, James Pearce and Leah Wallin.

From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.

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