Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1998: Blackouts delay H-M-S girls’ hoops game

• Jan. 15, 1948

A group of 27 hunters from the Hartley area joined together for a fox hunt. They were rewarded for their efforts by bagging three fox, all from the same section. The animals were displayed at Ketelsen Hardware.

Acting on immediate instructions of the owners, Orlo Abrahams loaded the merchandise of the local Army-Navy Surplus Store and left for Yankton, S.D. Mr. Abrahams made many friends during his five-month stay in Hartley.

A full house gathered at the Capitol Theatre to enjoy the John Deere films presented by the Ruby Implement Co. Many door prizes were awarded. A special award of a John Deere toy tractor and wagon was given to Peter Back, age 2, who was the youngest person present.

• Jan. 11, 1973

A semi-tractor truck slid off the platform of the Hartley city scale and struck the roof of the scale house. The impact caused the roof to shift and blocks to fall. Had the impact been any harder, the whole top may have caved in on scale master, Charlie Peterson.

Mrs. Hazel Rons and Mrs. Pat Baumgarten, representing the CIP organization, spoke to the Hartley school board in regard to a tree planting project for the high school. Local clubs would purchase the trees if the school would furnish manpower to do the planting.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Langel, of Hartley, were the proud parents of the first baby born in 1973 at the Hartley Community Hospital. Kimberly Kaye was born at 1:20 p.m. on Jan. 8, weighing 6 pounds 14-1/2 ounces. The Langels had one other child, Jennifer, age 1.

• Jan. 15, 1998

Sporadic electrical interruptions earlier in the day carried over to the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn girls’ basketball game with Boyden-Hull. After two blackouts in the first half, the game was suspended until the following Tuesday. Veteran girls’ coach Mark Butt had never experienced an electrical outage during his 30-plus years on the bench. Fortunately, H-M-S won both games when play resumed.

O’Brien County Treasurer Sylvia Nickles announced that the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn School District would receive $9,103 in tax reimbursements from the State of Iowa. The funds were similar to the excess credits received by the City of Hartley. One hundred percent of funds received by school districts was to be designated for property tax relief.

From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.