Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Sentinel-News wins 6 INA awards

The Hartley Sentinel-The Everly/Royal News picked up six awards Feb. 2 during the Iowa Newspaper Association's Better Newspaper Contests.

News editor Nick Pedley took top honors in the Master Columnist category and also won first and second place for Excellence in Editorial Writing. Other awards collected included second place finishes for Best Website, Best News Feature Story and Best Continuing Coverage.

The Sentinel-News is published by The Press, Inc., of Ocheyedan, which is owned by Arlyn Pedley and Jan Reiste Pedley. The couple also owns and publishes the Ocheyedan Press-Melvin News.

This year's competition was judged by the North Carolina Press Association. Approximately 2,500 entries in dozens of categories were judged by class, based on circulation. Both the Press-News and Sentinel-News compete in Weekly Class I (circulation under 875 subscribers).

Several other northwest Iowa newspapers received awards for their work during the contest. The Ackley World Journal was named Newspaper of the Year, which goes to the newspaper that accrues the most award points during the competition.