Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

CC/E board approves $80K tunnel project

Work to start after classes dismiss for summer

A big project not many people will notice is slated to take place at Clay Central/Everly Elementary later this year.

The school board on March 30 approved bids for pipe repair, asbestos abatement and air monitoring for plumbing located in tunnels under classrooms on the north side of the Royal building. The project is estimated at around $80,000.

“We started to notice the condition of our pipes in the tunnel after a water leak,” Assistant Superintendent Jeff Scharn explained after the meeting. “We wanted to be proactive and make sure we have no new complications in the tunnel area.”

The tunnels house all the pipe runs for the boiler system as well as water lines. Steam and water lines will be replaced after the asbestos abatement process is completed, Scharn said.

Quotes were approved from three businesses: Site Services will remove the asbestos for $22,855; Impact7G will monitor the air when the asbestos is removed for $7,450; and SwiftAir will put in new pipes for $51,750. Work will be completed this summer with removal of asbestos first and then replacement of the lines.

• Budget, staff package, calendar

The board approved the 2023-24 budget, which will decrease the tax levy from $8.77 per $1,000 of valuation to $8.44. According to Superintendent Kevin Wood, next year’s budget was figured by adding a 3 percent increase on all expenditures with a little extra added for instruction-related costs.

In other business, the board approved a 5.01 percent salary increase with retention incentive for a 6.22 percent total package with health insurance increase. It also increased the base index/matrix in the TA Agreement with no more steps in an effort to be more competitive.

The retention incentive was discussed further. Wood is looking at an $800-$1,000 incentive to all staff with half being paid out in November of 2023 and the other half if employees return their 2024-2025 contracts and work agreements by a specific date. This will be put on the April agenda as an action item.

The board also approved next year’s calendar, which will once again follow the Spencer Community School District. CC/E will have 169 school days and 191 teacher contract days in 2023-2024. School will start on Aug. 23 and end on May 23.