Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

VBS held in Royal

Hope Lutheran Church, of Everly, and Bethlehem Lutheran Church, of Royal, last week joined forces with Ingham/Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp to host their annual summer Vacation Bible School Program at Bethlehem Lutheran.

Children of all ages attended the fun filled week as they learned about God's unwavering and unending love for each of them. Throughout the week the day campers enjoyed crafts, outdoor play, delicious meals, praise and worship time, rotations learning different Bible lessons, and Bible Study.

Additionally, children learned a new daily theme verse along with the overall theme verse: "Truly He is my rock and salvation; He is my fortress, I'll never be shaken. Psalm 62:2." Campers also learned many wonderful praise and worship songs, all that they memorized with their theme verses to perform at the closing program on Thursday evening.

Following the closing program, children excitedly hurried outside to reap what they had sown. Since they had reached their weekly mission goal of bringing in over 150 canned food items for the Hope Lutheran Church Food Pantry, they were able to pie the camp counselors in the face. An ice cream sundae bar followed to close out the program.

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