Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties
Royal council looks ahead to ILRW's takeover of water system
Now that the decision to turn over operation of Royal's water system to Iowa Lakes Regional Water has been made, details of completing the transition are being worked out.
CEO Brad Veit discussed the takeover with city council members on June 14. It was agreed that Maintenance Superintendent Sherman Nielsen will continue to read water meters until updated units are installed. The city will bill ILRW for Nielsen's time.
According to discussion, ILRW plans to relocate the meter and piping inside the city's former water plant this fall. The city will have natural gas and electricity service disconnected and use the building for cold storage.
Royal residents entitled to deposit refunds will receive them after ILRW takes over the water system. City Clerk Barb Fletcher said deposit balances will be used to cover any unpaid bills.
• Sewer rate adjustments
Because the city will no longer be operating the water system, portions of the current water and sewer ordinances are being revised.
The water ordinance was rewritten to reflect the agreement with ILRW and to eliminate any conflicting language. The gallon amount of water upon which sewer charges are based will be adjusted from 1,300 to 1,000.
Fletcher said the new gallon amount is the same as that of ILRW, as they will be doing the billing for Royal's sewer charges.
• Seek bids again for generator
The city is again seeking bids for a generator for the wastewater lift station. According to Nielsen, three bids for labor, materials and a generator will be submitted for consideration by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Royal was awarded a grant to purchase a backup generator more than four years ago. Due to subsequent changes in FEMA personnel, the city will have to obtain three bids, not two as was previously required.
"There are two completely different people we're working with," Nielsen explained.
The bids will be submitted to Northwest Iowa Planning & Development, which will forward them to FEMA.
"I want all three to be the same so everybody is bidding the same thing and getting the same thing," Nielsen said. "They're hoping it will be done by Christmas, but we'll see."
• Drainage payment, other discussion
The city will not make an additional drainage payment this fiscal year. Fletcher said the additional costs for painting the water tower will limit how much the city can spend.
"We have the money, but the budget is still tight," she explained. "We're going to be to the max."
The city owes approximately $102,000 in assessments for drainage improvements.
American Rescue Plan Act funds are designated for the water tower painting project and other maintenance projects. The council approved transferring $20,000 of ARPA funds to the city's water utility.
Responding to concerns from local residents, a property owner is being given 30 days to remove a dangerous tree limb. It was also noted that properties not in compliance with nuisance notices will be referred to NWIPDC for further action.