Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

H-M-S board reorganizes for 2023-24 school year

New committee established to review fundraising requests

With the Nov. 7 election behind them, members of the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn School Board held their 2023-24 reorganizational meeting on Monday.

Kari Van Es, who was elected as a write-in candidate for the Director District 1 seat, was sworn in as a board member. She lives in Sanborn with her husband and two children, and works at Prins Insurance.

Officers for the year are Scott Vollink, president, and Kyle McCarter, vice president.

Board subcommittee assignments are: Personnel – Becky Stoltz and Vollink; School Improvement Advisory Committee – Chad Lyman and Van Es; and Buildings and Grounds – McCarter and Vollink.

A fundraising committee was established, with Stoltz and Van Es serving on it. They will review requests for fundraisers on behalf of the district or by outside groups. The full board will then act on their recommendations.

According to Superintendent Patrick Carlin, the approval process is in line with Department of Education standards and district policy.

"I think it's a good idea," McCarter said.

Stoltz will represent H-M-S on the O'Brien County Conference Board and McCarter will have the same role in Osceola County.

Emily Widvey will continue as board secretary and treasurer; Ahlers & Cooney, PC will be the primary legal counsel; and The Sentinel-News will be the official newspaper, with The Sanborn Pioneer also being utilized for district publications.

Board meetings will continue to be held on the third Monday of the month, at 6:30 p.m.