Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

CC/E board discusses small class sizes

Administrators gathering info about combining rooms

Ongoing discussion about combining certain grade levels into one classroom topped discussion Nov. 30 at the Clay Central/Everly school board meeting.

School officials have been studying operations at Stratford Elementary, which faces small enrollment numbers like CC/E. According to discussion, Stratford routinely combines certain grade levels into one classroom to give students more opportunities to collaborate and build relationships.

CC/E, which currently has 51 students in grades K-6, has been mulling doing the same.

"Some people see it as daunting; I see it as an opportunity for us," said Superintendent Kevin Wood. "It's an opportunity to look at some things and really move forward. Don't think of it as a negative. There are a lot of positives that come out of it."

Combining classrooms wouldn't necessarily affect all grades at CC/E if the board moves forward with a plan. At Stratford, only some grade levels are combined into one classroom and vary year-to-year based on need.

Director of Student Services Michelle Huntress said CC/E staff members who've visited Stratford have been impressed with what they've seen. Administration has engaged in discussion with officials there, who've shared tips and insight on how to make a successful transition.

"We've been incredibly impressed with how organized it is there," said Huntress.

Money isn't a driving factor behind the proposal. Wood once again noted that CC/E's finances are in good standing with its unspent authorized balance continuing to grow.

"We're sitting very healthy right now," he said. "Butts in seats are obviously something we're always looking at."

The board plans to offer an early retirement package this year. One teacher would qualify, which could open up an opportunity to combine two grade levels into one classroom.

Huntress explained doing so would allow more students to interact with each other in a classroom setting, which could positively impact students both socially and academically.

"We do have some really small classes that I worry about kids not having enough interaction and social connection with kids who have the same interests," she said.

Assistant Superintendent Jeff Scharn agreed with Huntress' assessment and believed CC/E should embrace the change.

"I think it's a good social, emotional and learning thing for the students," he said. "I think it's one of those things we need to sell as a positive."

The board was slated to discuss the matter further at a special workshop on Wednesday, Dec. 6. Members intend to vote on the item at its regular meeting later this month.

"It's well done [in Stratford] and we could do this here," said Huntress. "It could be a positive for us."

• Workout room to be considered

CC/E staff member Iesha Toft addressed the board about adding a workout room to the Royal facility for staff members and students. A grant opportunity from AgState could help pay for new equipment like a treadmill, multi-weight universal gym, 5-25 lb. rubber dumbbells, resistance bands and 5-10 lb. kettlebells.

Toft noted the current workout equipment is outdated, sometimes doesn't work and is in the middle of the teachers' lounge. She believed dedicating a space for a fitness room would benefit both students and staff, as P.E. classes could utilize the equipment during school hours.

The board was slated to discuss the matter further at its Dec. 6 workshop. If given the go-ahead, Toft intends to apply for $4,500 in AgState grant funds.

• New board member sworn in

The board held its organizational meeting at the conclusion of its regular meeting. Incumbent Board Member Allyn Heikens and new Board Member Amber Campbell took their oaths of office. Campbell won an at-large seat running unopposed and replaces long-time Board Member Brian Schmidt, who did not seek re-election.

Board members Denny Dalen and Allison Goyette were voted board president and vice president, respectively. Board Member Barb Trierweiler and Goyette were named to the Building and Grounds Committee, while Heikens and Campbell were appointed to the School Improvement Committee. Negotiations Committee will be Goyette and Dalen, while Dalen alone will head the Transportation Committee.

State Bank & Insurance in Everly and Home State Bank in Royal were named the official district depositories. The Hartley Sentinel-The Everly/Royal News was named the official newspaper. Steve Avery was named official school legal counsel with Ahlers Law Firm landing secondary legal counsel designation.

The board will continue to meet on the Wednesday after the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m., in the music room.

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