Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1948: Moneta voters pass bond for school

• Dec. 16, 1948

A special election was held at Moneta regarding a proposed $45,000 bond issue to be used to build and furnish an addition to the Moneta school building. The proposition carried by a vote of 72-6.

A blazing fire at the Shouse pool hall on South Central Avenue threatened to engulf a large part of the business district before it was brought under control. The blaze, which apparently started near the chimney on the second floor of the building, gained considerable headway before it was detected. Fire departments from Everly and Sanborn, as well as the local department, kept the conflagration confined to the second story. The blaze was brought completely under control in about two hours, but it was necessary to use fire equipment several times during the night. The second story did not collapse and the first floor pool room was in operation the next day.

• Dec. 13, 1973

The Hartley Community School announced an evacuation plan for both of its buildings. In the event of a fire or other emergency, students in grades K-4 would go to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and students in grades 5-8 and special education would go to Trinity United Church of Christ. High school students would be evacuated to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The plan also gave instructions for how students would be dismissed from the emergency locations.

Average farmland values in O’Brien County were estimated at $770 per acre, up $197 from the previous year. That compared with the statewide average of $579, which was an increase of $139 from 1972.

An estimated crowd of 300 persons representing 15 area communities attended the annual John Deere Day movie during “Farming Frontiers ’74” at the Capitol Theatre. Carl Ruby, of Ruby Implement Co., sponsored the event.

• Dec. 17, 1998

A toxic cleanup and tire disposal day in O’Brien County was a real success. Approximately 150 residents participated in the event during which 19 drums of materials were removed and over 3,000 tires were also disposed of.

Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn school board members were honored by the Iowa Association of School Boards with an Award of Achievement plaque. The award recognized H-M-S for having a majority of board members receive individual Better Boardsmanship certificates for the year and for having a policy in support of board development.

Newly-elected State Representative David Johnson, of Ocheyedan, was named to serve as vice chairman of the Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee. He was also named to the House Agriculture, Transportation, and Commerce and Regulation committees.

From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.