Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1999: Contracts OK’d for HS expansion project

• March 3, 1949

Students of Hartley No. 2 presented an interesting demonstration of their hobby club. Following a program of readings and musical selections, guests viewed the students’ hobbies and some of their artwork. On each club day the students worked two hours on their chosen hobbies.

Alvin Frick, well-known Hartley orchestra leader, announced the grand opening of his new Standard service station on Highway 18. Over $100 in valuable prizes were to be given away.

LuVerne Sartorius, who successfully handled the Cancer Drive in 1948, was again serving as the local chairman during the month of April.

The Hartley boys won the Class A sectional crown in their only game, defeating Paullina by a score of 41-22. Everly won the Class B finals, easily defeating Sutherland.

• Feb. 28, 1974

The Hartley Booster Club voted to initiate a community project to obtain a new baseball scoreboard for Jim Fanning Field. Don Treimer and Don Meyer were appointed co-chairmen of the endeavor. The club felt it would be a worthwhile project for all parents and fans.

The Farmers Mutual Insurance Association of O’Brien County saw an increase of approximately $18 million of insurance in force during the preceding year. The amount of insurance in force had reached over $123 million. All of the incumbent directors were re-elected at the annual meeting.

The Hartley Christian Reformed Church held a farewell courtesy for Rev. LeRoy Christoffels and family, who were moving to Oskaloosa where Rev. Christoffels had accepted a call. The Young Peoples’ Society presented one-act plays and other church organizations gave musical selections.

• March 4, 1999

Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Elementary School joined the Read Across America celebration. In addition to highlighting the importance of reading for children, the birthday of Dr. Seuss was celebrated. The birthday theme was carried out at lunchtime, when students were served green eggs and ham by the foodservice personnel who were appropriately attired for the occasion.

Contracts totaling just over $3.2 million were awarded for the H-M-S High School expansion and remodeling project. Clay Contractors was awarded the general construction contract; Tessier’s Inc., of Sioux Falls, S.D., was the successful mechanical construction bidder; and Bendixen Electric, of Cherokee, was awarded the electrical construction contract. The project architects were pleased with all of the bids received.

From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.

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