Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Remarks From the Reverend

Resting in God’s amazing forever truth

Author’s Note: This is the fourth of a series of devotionals from Psalm 146.

“Who keeps truth forever, ...” ” – Psalm 146:6b

As we continue our look at Psalm 146, we are finding our hope and trust cannot be in a “prince,” or a “son of man” or “we the people.” The solutions offered by man are temporary, self-defeating and oftentimes, self-destructive. Our hope and trust can only be in the Lord God, Jesus Christ, our Creator (John 1:1-5).

Further, the Lord God is worthy of our hope and trust is in the fact that He “keeps truth forever,” as we see from the last part of verse 6 of Psalm 146. The Lord God keeps truth forever because He is truth (Numbers 23:9; Deuteronomy 32:4; John 14:6). This means truth never changes, since God never changes (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 6:18; 13:8). God does not change His mind concerning what He has decreed; even what He has thought (or purposed) will be accomplished (Isaiah 46:9-11; 14:24; Acts 5:39).

When God speaks, He speaks truth through His written word, God amazing forever truth. This is how we test whether some idea, opinion or worldview is truth; it gets tested by what God says in His written word, the Bible. Truth concerning what is moral and immoral hasn’t changed, since morality as defined in Scripture is a reflection of God’s character and as His image bearers we are commanded to conduct our lives according to His definition of morality. The final authority is not with man but God, the Creator of all that exists, including man. He defines truth; he tells us His design and purpose in creation. Yet, there are many people who have rebelled against God seeking to pervert and redefine God’s order and God’s design to fit their own desires, affections and understanding of reality. Moreover, because of mankind’s inborn sin nature we are inclined to rebel against His commandments, His moral laws; to redefine or re-imagine morality or truth to suit our own fleshly lusts and imaginations...and this can change with the wind – who can keep truth when it’s a moving target by those enslaved to a sin nature?

Morality is being redefined to justify all sorts of sexual activities outside of marriage. Homosexuality and transgenderism is now considered normal and natural, contrary to God’s design that marriage is between one man and one woman (the only two genders God created from the beginning – a man will always be a man and a woman will always be a woman no matter what she does to her outward appearance). Even pedophilia is now being pushed on us as being normal and natural. But that is also strictly forbidden in Scripture; not to mention, an assault against our children, who can be easily manipulated and abused by an adult.

No government, no politician, no church can change truth, as revealed in God’s word, the Bible – though they may try. When you stand before God, you will be judged by His standard of truth, His definition of morality, not how you felt was true, or what you thought was true. In fact, all mankind will stand before God and be judged according to the truth the Lord God keeps forever and the verdict will be “guilty” (Romans 3:9-23). And the penalty for sin is death, eternal death; that is, eternal separation from God. He will justly cast you into hell for eternity where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Romans 6:23; Matthew 8:12)...unless.

Unless you repent of your sins, turning away from serving the idols of your heart, your affections and desires, and by faith alone turn to Jesus Christ alone for your salvation and hope of eternal life. Jesus Christ died on the cross 2,000 years ago to pay in full the penalty owed by you, bearing in His body and soul the eternal wrath of God against sinners, like you and me, obtaining for all appointed to salvation the forgiveness of sins, righteousness and life everlasting. Further, He ransomed the soul from the bondage to sin, to free all for whom He died to live to God, eager to serve Him with a thankful and humble heart, according to His truth in the Bible. Won’t you this day embrace by faith the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, turning from whatever sin that has enslaved you? You cannot change yourselves, but God can. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God makes us alive from being dead in our trespasses and sins so that we might live our lives to the glory of God. It is by resting our trust in this amazing forever truth we can have life and life more abundantly, both now and forever; a life that will freely enjoy the eternal blessedness of being in the presence of God, forever (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Rev. Richard Stetler, of Hartley, is the CEO and founder of Reformation Gospel Ministries. Visit for more information.

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