Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

From Our Files

1999: Melvin grocery store trying to reopen

• May 19, 1949

The Hartley Community Recreation Association met for its annual spring meeting. Plans for the activities of the coming summer were discussed, and Richard McCarty, Richard Anderson and Mrs. Louis Anderson were elected to serve three-year terms on the board.

Fifty-one seniors of the Hartley High School received their graduation diplomas at commencement ceremonies. Dr. Earl A. Roadman, president of Morningside College in Sioux City, was the guest speaker.

Friday the 13th lived up to its tradition at the John Olhausen home. Lightning struck the chimney of the house, damaging it to the extent that it had to be replaced. The part of the chimney inside the house and the wallpaper around it were also cracked. The family was home at the time but was unharmed, other than suffering mental shock.

• May 16, 1974

Meeting jointly with the Sanborn City Council, the Hartley City Council formally agreed to join Sanborn in the collection and disposal of garbage. The two councils agreed to purchase an Eddie Webster Sani-Cruiser at a cost of $16,857.

Switchgrass, a grass native to Iowa, was being established on a trial basis on the Orlan Lux farm near Hartley. It was seeded on seven acres to see if it would provide pasture during July and August. The seed was obtained through the Plant Materials Center in Elsberry, Mo.

S.G. Larson, judicial magistrate of O’Brien County since July of 1973, resigned his position. No reason was given for his decision. Lyndon Greimann, of Sheldon, was named as the county’s new magistrate and had qualified for the position.

• May 20, 1999

Described as “a leap of faith” and “an investment in the community,” Melvin area residents were asked to consider providing financial support to reopen the town’s grocery store. If the $30,000 needed was raised, the store would be a cooperative venture between the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn School District and the community. According to Superintendent Stephen Litts, it would be operated as a convenience store with 18 students being available to operate it during business hours.

Evan Erichsen, son of Alan and Lori Erichsen, received the rank of Eagle Scout. His Eagle Scout project was landscaping the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church with help from Boy Scout Troop 158 and church members.

Two Hartley teams won bowling leagues at Bowl-Mor Lanes in Sanborn. The Hartley Legion team won the Some of O’Brien men’s league and the Pin Poppers won the Wednesday mixed league title.

From Our Files” is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.