Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

S-N Editorial

100 deadliest days of summer

Memorial Day marked the unofficial start of summer as barbecues and road trips kicked off posthaste. The calendar’s flip brings with it a reminder to remember one simple task to save lives during the “100 deadly days of summer.”

It’s perceived everyone wears a seat belt, but data shows that’s not true. In 2023, 45 percent of traffic fatalities in Iowa were unbuckled, translating to 123 lives lost. In a Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) survey of over 1,450 Iowans, 88 percent reported always buckling up in the front seat; only 67 percent always buckle in the back seat.

No matter the type of vehicle you’re traveling in, where you’re seated, or what type of road you’re driving on, the best way to protect yourself in a crash is to buckle up. If you know a friend or a family member who does not take this simple precaution, please talk to them about changing their habits. Seat belts save lives, and everyone – front seat and back, child and adult – needs to buckle up.

The looming boom of fireworks also flashes another reminder. The Fourth of July is a time for celebration full of backyard cookouts and other gatherings. The buzz of a drink is not needed to feel the thrill of summer holiday festivities, but if you do indulge, plan for a sober ride home.

As always, the GTSB is partnering with local law enforcement for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over high-visibility enforcement campaign during the holiday. The primary goal of the increased law enforcement presence is to prevent tragedies previously seen around the Fourth.

Annually, about one-third of all traffic fatalities are alcohol/impaired related. In Iowa in 2022, 57 percent of the July Fourth holiday weekend traffic fatalities were alcohol related. There are plenty of options to help impaired drivers get home safely; designate a sober driver, schedule a taxi/rideshare, or use your community’s sober ride program. A few dollars spent on a ride is a lot cheaper than the price of an OWI or worse – losing your life.

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