Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

The Writer's Pen

Summer Thoughts

Summer season – hearts sing.

Summer season – outdoor things.

Robins chirping high on a limb; hummingbirds hovering by delphiniums.

Grass growing lush and green; wind blows every day it seems.

Blooming flowers galore – dianthus, peonies, daisies and more.

Heat radiates from sun; shade of trees welcome.

Birdbath filled to brim; full feeders hung from tree limbs.

Reading outdoors on deck; birds splashing in birdbath getting wet.

Sipping sweet tea, watching a nuthatch on tree.

Feathered friends flit and stop by; finches, orioles, colorful to the eye.

Mosquitoes, flies and gnats; butterflies, orange and black.

Squirrels scurrying across lawn; fluffy white clouds, soft colors at dawn.

Fishing, boating at the lake; watermelon, hot dogs, milkshakes.

Summer season…days go by fast.

Living in Iowa…we know summer doesn’t last.

LaVonne Hansen lives in Hartley.

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