Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties
2000: Gore, Bauer win O'Brien County cauces
• Jan. 26, 1950
The Foley Funeral Home announced the purchase of a Packard ambulance. With the new unit, Mr. Foley could offer dependable ambulance service anywhere, at all times.
Lester Menke, of Calumet, was appointed to fill a vacancy on the O'Brien County Board of Education that was created by the resignation of L.D. Lampman. The new board member represented Area No. IV.
A Moneta school bus driven by Tony Trierweiler, which was filled with high school students, was sideswiped west of the north Spencer Y. The group was returning from a basketball game at Gruver. All occupants were badly shaken up and five were treated by a physician.
Approximately 200 persons attended the annual John Deere show at the Capitol Theatre. Snow and wind somewhat hampered attendance.
• Jan. 23, 1975
A group of Hartley area farmers, business men and school officials met with the O'Brien County Board of Supervisors to protest the condition of county roads following the Jan. 10-12 storm. The group asked that more time and equipment be put to work widening cuts through the snow and increasing visibility at intersections.
The Spencer Foods plant in Hartley was operating a day shift only after it reopened, but planned to go to two shifts in about three weeks. At that time nearly 170 persons would be employed.
The Hartley School Board discussed several projects that could be funded with the 1-1/2 mill levy that was approved by voters. Among them were remodeling and equipping the elementary library and study hall into a media center, sealcoating the high school parking lot, and purchasing kitchen equipment.
• Jan. 27, 2000
Retiring fireman Kevin Groen was presented with a plaque in recognition of his 25 years of service and dedication to the Hartley Fire Department.
Results of the Democratic caucuses in O'Brien County mirrored statewide returns. Vice President Al Gore was supported by 57 percent of county Democrats and Sen. Bill Bradley was the choice of 43 percent of local caucus participants.
On the Republican side, Gary Bauer showed surprising strength in O'Brien County, receiving 30 percent of the vote. Texas Governor and statewide winner, George W. Bush, was supported by 27 percent of local Republicans and publisher Steve Forbes was close behind in third place.
"From Our Files" is compiled by Sentinel-News sports editor/staff writer Mike Petersen.